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Ouémé River Catchment SWAT Model at Bonou Outlet: Model Performance, Predictive Uncertainty and Multi-Site Validation

Published in Hydrology (Volume 6, Issue 2)
Received: 23 July 2018     Accepted: 10 August 2018     Published: 5 September 2018
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In a soudano-guinean climate context, the Ouémé River Basin is simulated using the semi-distributed hydrological model SWAT to understand the rainfall-runoff process on this basin and also to assess this model performance on West Africa large areas basins at daily and monthly time steps. The inputs data consist of climatic data and rain gauge discharge records. The inputs records are long-term times series for the period 1979-2010, while the considered land use is just for the year 2003. After calibration and validation of the model, spatial calibration is also performed to appreciate this other feature of the model. It gives such acceptable and disputable results. Six (06) hypotheses have been emitted to analyze this performance loss. It comes out that hypothesis H5 results perform better both in calibration and validation. This hypothesis used data for the period 1993-2010 with 1993-2004 for calibration and 2005-2010 for validation; and considered the missing data in discharge records without any completion. Considering the internal rain gauge outlet performance for this hypothesis, the best is retained and the corresponded project is realized for each individual subbasin to see how best the model could simulate discharge for the Bétérou, Kaboua and Atchérigbé individual subbasins. Hypothesis H1; an assumption which considers missing discharge with data time period of 1982-2010 with 1982-1996 for calibration and 1997-2010 for validation; is the best for Bétérou and Kaboua, whereas H5 is better for Atchérigbé subbasin. Uncertainty analysis and Global Sensitivity Analysis were performed to appreciate what are this process occurring in the basin and how these results could be validated. A last comparison effort is performed with 10km rainfall grid for climatic rainfall data at the global catchment outlet; this approach does not improve results, while at internal outlet some improvements are observed.

Published in Hydrology (Volume 6, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/j.hyd.20180602.13
Page(s) 61-77
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2018. Published by Science Publishing Group


SWAT, Ouémé RIVER, Hypothesis, Uncertainty, Sensitivity, Analysis

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  • APA Style

    Berenger Arcadius Sêgnonnan Dègan, Eric Adéchina Alamou, Yèkambèssoun N’Tcha M’Po, Abel Afouda. (2018). Ouémé River Catchment SWAT Model at Bonou Outlet: Model Performance, Predictive Uncertainty and Multi-Site Validation. Hydrology, 6(2), 61-77. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.hyd.20180602.13

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    ACS Style

    Berenger Arcadius Sêgnonnan Dègan; Eric Adéchina Alamou; Yèkambèssoun N’Tcha M’Po; Abel Afouda. Ouémé River Catchment SWAT Model at Bonou Outlet: Model Performance, Predictive Uncertainty and Multi-Site Validation. Hydrology. 2018, 6(2), 61-77. doi: 10.11648/j.hyd.20180602.13

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    AMA Style

    Berenger Arcadius Sêgnonnan Dègan, Eric Adéchina Alamou, Yèkambèssoun N’Tcha M’Po, Abel Afouda. Ouémé River Catchment SWAT Model at Bonou Outlet: Model Performance, Predictive Uncertainty and Multi-Site Validation. Hydrology. 2018;6(2):61-77. doi: 10.11648/j.hyd.20180602.13

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      abstract = {In a soudano-guinean climate context, the Ouémé River Basin is simulated using the semi-distributed hydrological model SWAT to understand the rainfall-runoff process on this basin and also to assess this model performance on West Africa large areas basins at daily and monthly time steps. The inputs data consist of climatic data and rain gauge discharge records. The inputs records are long-term times series for the period 1979-2010, while the considered land use is just for the year 2003. After calibration and validation of the model, spatial calibration is also performed to appreciate this other feature of the model. It gives such acceptable and disputable results. Six (06) hypotheses have been emitted to analyze this performance loss. It comes out that hypothesis H5 results perform better both in calibration and validation. This hypothesis used data for the period 1993-2010 with 1993-2004 for calibration and 2005-2010 for validation; and considered the missing data in discharge records without any completion. Considering the internal rain gauge outlet performance for this hypothesis, the best is retained and the corresponded project is realized for each individual subbasin to see how best the model could simulate discharge for the Bétérou, Kaboua and Atchérigbé individual subbasins. Hypothesis H1; an assumption which considers missing discharge with data time period of 1982-2010 with 1982-1996 for calibration and 1997-2010 for validation; is the best for Bétérou and Kaboua, whereas H5 is better for Atchérigbé subbasin. Uncertainty analysis and Global Sensitivity Analysis were performed to appreciate what are this process occurring in the basin and how these results could be validated. A last comparison effort is performed with 10km rainfall grid for climatic rainfall data at the global catchment outlet; this approach does not improve results, while at internal outlet some improvements are observed.},
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Ouémé River Catchment SWAT Model at Bonou Outlet: Model Performance, Predictive Uncertainty and Multi-Site Validation
    AU  - Berenger Arcadius Sêgnonnan Dègan
    AU  - Eric Adéchina Alamou
    AU  - Yèkambèssoun N’Tcha M’Po
    AU  - Abel Afouda
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    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.hyd.20180602.13
    AB  - In a soudano-guinean climate context, the Ouémé River Basin is simulated using the semi-distributed hydrological model SWAT to understand the rainfall-runoff process on this basin and also to assess this model performance on West Africa large areas basins at daily and monthly time steps. The inputs data consist of climatic data and rain gauge discharge records. The inputs records are long-term times series for the period 1979-2010, while the considered land use is just for the year 2003. After calibration and validation of the model, spatial calibration is also performed to appreciate this other feature of the model. It gives such acceptable and disputable results. Six (06) hypotheses have been emitted to analyze this performance loss. It comes out that hypothesis H5 results perform better both in calibration and validation. This hypothesis used data for the period 1993-2010 with 1993-2004 for calibration and 2005-2010 for validation; and considered the missing data in discharge records without any completion. Considering the internal rain gauge outlet performance for this hypothesis, the best is retained and the corresponded project is realized for each individual subbasin to see how best the model could simulate discharge for the Bétérou, Kaboua and Atchérigbé individual subbasins. Hypothesis H1; an assumption which considers missing discharge with data time period of 1982-2010 with 1982-1996 for calibration and 1997-2010 for validation; is the best for Bétérou and Kaboua, whereas H5 is better for Atchérigbé subbasin. Uncertainty analysis and Global Sensitivity Analysis were performed to appreciate what are this process occurring in the basin and how these results could be validated. A last comparison effort is performed with 10km rainfall grid for climatic rainfall data at the global catchment outlet; this approach does not improve results, while at internal outlet some improvements are observed.
    VL  - 6
    IS  - 2
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Applied Hydrology, Water National Institute, University of Abomey-Calavi, Abomey-Calavi, Benin

  • Department of Civil Engineering, School of Roads and Buildings, University of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics, Abomey, Benin

  • Department of Applied Hydrology, Water National Institute, University of Abomey-Calavi, Abomey-Calavi, Benin

  • Department of Sciences and Technics, University of Abomey-Calavi, Abomey-Calavi, Benin

  • Sections